is a religion which does not have a God at its
centre and was founded by an Indian prince, Siddartha Guatama, who became
the Buddha, in the 6th Century BC when he found enlightenment.
Buddhism has spread throughout the world. The ultimate goal for a Buddhist
is to achieve Nirvana and stop the cycle of rebirth. To achieve this they
must follow the Buddha's example and teachings.
Buddhism, since Buddha's death, has divided into different schools of thought. These are geographically and philosophically separate. Each are sub-divided into many different sects. The two main schools are Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism.
1.The teaching of Buddha (Dharma) |
2.An explanation on that teaching (Adhidharma). Most of these are called Sutras |
3.A rule book for monks and nuns (the
Vinaya) There
are 227 rules for monks,and more for nuns! The rules can
be relaxed. Shoes were not one of the items a monk
was originally allowed to have, but they are worn. It also
sets out instructions on ceremonies |
Studying, chanting, learning and discussing these
and other texts are an important part of a Buddhist's life. The Prahmoksha
(the heart of the Vinaya.) Is
recited by monks and nuns when there are new and full moons.
Jatakas are part of the Tripitaka. They are hundreds of stories about Buddha's earlier life, particularly as an animal. They are an introduction to Buddhism and to the importance of good qualities.
To become a Buddhist a person must be committed to
three central beliefs. These are known as the three jewels as they are
felt to be so precious. They consist of a belief in Buddha, in his
teaching (this is known as Dharma which word also covers the practice of
what Buddha taught) and in the Buddhist community (called Sangha). This is
made up of ordinary people as well as the monks and nuns. The purpose is
to help others and by doing so to cease to become selfish and to move on
the way towards enlightenment. In many cases this will centre on the local
monastery which as well as its religious function will often operate as a
community centre where people go to meet, as a hotel where visitors stay
and as a bank where valuable belongings can be stored.
The practice of the Three Jewels is central to Buddhist life who follows them:
I take refuge in the Buddha |
2. I take refuge in the Dharma (teachings of Buddha) | ||
3. I take refuge in the Sangha ( the community of the Buddha). |
The Four Noble Truths is the heart of Buddhist Dharma / teaching and they are:
Dukkha |
-unsatisfactoriness. The
imperfection of life. It is one of the three signs of being, the
others being: Anicca -impermanence Anatta -no permanent self |
Samudaya |
� origin of unsatisfactoriness, Dukkha is seen as originating in tanha, a craving that can not be satisfied and therefore results in rebirth. |
Niirodha |
� The cessation of Dukkha, the overcoming of tanha |
Marga |
� The Way. This is often known as the Middle Way of Life, the
fourth noble truth is the way to overcome dukkha by following the Noble
Eightfold Path. |
In other words, existence entails suffering, suffering is caused by inherently insatiable desires, desires must be suppressed in order to end suffering and existence, to do this one has to follow the Noble Eight Fold path.
The Noble Eightfold path encompasses the following:
Right Understanding | Right Intention |
Right Speech | Right Action |
Right Livelihood | Right effort |
Right Mindfulness | Right Concentration |
A further explanation of the Noble path is:
1. Right understanding-
This means a proper
understanding of
Buddha's teachings and of the world
2. Right intention- This
means thinking kind or wise thoughts and
doing so consciously free from fantasy
3. Right speech- This
means not telling lies or speaking angrily but
speaking honestly and
compassionately and well of others
4. Right action- This
means behaving peacefully and
5. Right livelihood- This
means not harming any other living
creature. Buddhists believe it is vital to
look after the earth's
resources and to stop the pollution and destruction of the
6. Right effort- This
means using discipline and control to overcome
difficulties. To think before acting
7. Right mindfulness- This
means paying full attention to what is
going on.
8. Right concentration/
meditation- This means to be able to be at
peace in any situation through
an ability to focus deeply on
The Five Precepts help Buddhists follow the path of samma kammanta (right action). They are as follows, refrain from:
Harming living beings | Taking what is not given |
Sexual misconduct | Harmful speech |
Drink or drugs |
Buddhist monks there are additional vows which
they have to undertake.
In Mahayana Buddhism there is also the need to
practise the Paramitas � perfections, especially the first six which
Giving | Keeping the moral precepts |
Patience | Strength to preserve |
Meditation | Wisdom |
By following the correct action Buddhists believe that they will eventually achieve enlightenment and reach Nirvana.
People meditate to try to find their true selves,
and so become closer to Nirvana. Meditation is seen as a way to settle the
mind into a state of clarity and
In Zen Buddhism the aim is to learn to identify with another. This
is seen as reflecting the way that a Bodhissattva helps others.
These are often very detailed pictures or patterns,
inside a circle, which are intended to be seen as three-dimensional. It is
thought that concentrating on these helps meditation.
As with other areas of Buddhist art these have
meaning as well as beauty. Colour is used to represent Buddha's different
virtues. Red is his compassion, blue the truth of his teaching and white
his purity. The shape also has meaning. The circle symbolises the Buddhist
universe. There are 4 openings from the circle. These are the entrances to
the virtue shown in the centre.
Many Buddhists will meditate every day, some alone,
others together. To aid concentration some chant, others focus on an
object. This might be an elaborate picture, known in Tibet as a Thankga,
or Mandala. Others might count the 108 beads of a Mala ( a rosary-
108 is a sacred number
for Buddhists.)
Skandhas � the ego is composed of 5 constantly
changing skandhas or states.
There is no permanent ego-entity but what a person does affects their future under the Law of Karma.
�There is disciples, a
condition, where there is neither earth
nor water, neither air nor light, neither limitless space,
nor limitless time, neither any kind of being, neither
this world nor that world. There is neither arising nor
passing-away, nor dying, neither cause nor effect,
neither change nor standstill.�
As has been stated Buddhism has no one all powerful
creator god, though Mahayana Buddhists worship bodhisattvas.
These are god like figures who have gained enlightenment and could
enter Nirvana but chose to stay in the world to help others. There are
thousands of them.
In Tibet there are also gods.
Manjushri is seen as a representation of the
Bodhisattva's. Along
with another figure, called Avalokiteshvra, he represents the spirit and
strength (or wisdom and compassion) of Buddha. Other figures can represent
the same thing, for example the goddess Tara, who is worshipped for her
compassion, is said to represent Buddha's own compassion.
Buddha is worshipped but not as a god simply as a human who gained enlightenment. Reference to Buddha usually means Siddhartha Guatama. He however is the 4th Buddha. Other Buddha's are expected in the future. The next is called Maitreya
Buddhists pray not to a god but to within
themselves. They seek enlightenment.
Places of Worship
Buddhists will often worship daily at home alone or
in a group. This will be before a shrine containing an image of Buddha or
a bodhisattva, usually with a candle or incense.
Many visit Monasteries or Temples, especially on
full moon days and festivals, to chant or make offerings and to listen to
talks by monks.
Pilgrimages are popular. There are four main centres:
Lumbini, where Buddha was born |
2. Bodhgayar, where he gained enlightenment |
where he preached his first sermon and set in motion the wheel of law. |
where he died and was cremated. There are other sites such as Dharasala ,the home of the Dalai Lama. |
Pilgrimages are often lively joyful occasions with music and dancing. They remind people that they too can be enlightened
and help them think about Buddha's teachings. Bells are rung during
ceremonies, they represent wisdom.
Forms of Worship
Whether he is before a shrine, in his home or in the
Shrine Room of a Temple a Buddhist will recite the 3 jewels and the 5
precepts to renew his commitment to Buddhism.
People will remove their shoes before entering a
Temple. In the Shrine Room in front of an image of Buddha they will
usually bow three times with their hands together in greeting. Each bow
stands for the three jewels, Buddha, dharma and sangha. They may light a
candle or an incense stick, which are
symbols of his enlightenment and make offerings of flowers or food,
as a sign of thankfulness and respect. In addition to reciting the jewels
and the precepts a Buddhist may pray, meditate or chant. Some will circle
holy places in a clockwise direction. Again this is symbolic. Buddha's
followers circle him in the same way that the planets circle the sun
Buddhists pray in a special way. They
believe that if some sounds ( Mantras) are repeated they
can open up the mind. The words "Om mani
padme hum" (meaning the truth at the heart of teaching or
praise to the jewel in the lotus.) are repeated by ordinary
Buddhists as much in the streets as they go about their daily lives as in
Monastries and Temples These words are frequently inscribed on prayer
wheels or written on banners. In Japan the word Amida is often repeated in
prayer. Amida was also a Buddha.
Prayer flags and wheels are other unusual forms of
prayer. A prayer wheel is a cylinder. These range from ones which can be
held in the hand to large drums outside holy places. Inside is a paper
scroll on which thousands of prayers are written. Prayers will also be
written on flags that will be placed out in the breeze. Buddhists believe
that each flutter of the flag and turn of the wheel signifies a prayer.
There are many Buddhist festivals Most occur on full
moon days and the most important celebrate important
moments in Buddha's
life. In May/ June Buddhists celebrate Buddha Jayanti, Wesak or Vesak The
main festival is the �Thrice Blessed Day� when the Buddha was born,
reached enlightenment and died.
Buddhists believe in reincarnation � the cycle of
birth, death and rebirth. It is the Buddhist�s aim to break this cycle
and achieve Nirvana.
There are two main traditions within Buddhism they
Theravada � The Way of the Elders
Theravada (meaning
Doctrine of the Elders) or Hinayana (meaning
small vehicle) Buddhists form the earliest school. It has one hundred
million or so followers. They are mainly found in Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos,
Thailand, Burma and Sri Lanka as well as parts of Vietnam.
It is more serious in
manner than the other school. It insists on a monastic way of life.
Buddha thought that both
men and women could be enlightened but nuns are seen as less important
than monks within this school of thought.
achieved release from rebirth. It is based on the Pali canon of
This is found in Central
Asia, China, Tibet and Japan. Its special characteristic includes belief in many Buddhas who can be present at the
same time and the concept of Sunnata - emptiness. It also believes in the
Bodhisattva � a perfect being who embodies panna (wisdom) and karuna
(compassion) and is dedicated to help all sentient beings achieve
liberation from the world. It has many different canons of scripture
including the Chinese Canon and the Tibetan Canon.
In Tibet Buddhism became a
form of government as well as a religion.The Dalai Lama is the Tibetan Buddhists' spiritual leader
and is seen as
a reincarnation of the spirit of Buddha. Before the invasion of
Tibet by China, he was also the Tibetans' ruler.
Zen Buddhists developed
martial arts e.g. Kung fu and Karate as a way to help them meditate. They
are thought to focus the mind and increase concentration and
self-awareness. They also use riddles as an important part of meditation.
This is thought to teach the mind new ways of understanding.
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