Believing in God Quiz (1)


Believing in God

Welcome to 'The Believing God' Test! There are 3 levels to get through to prove you are the best!

Once you get 8 or more questions right you can then proceed on to the next level. Try and choose the right answer and lets see how you score....

1. What is an Atheist?

A person who believes in the existence of God.
A person who comes from Athens.
A person who is not sure if God exists.
A person who does not believe in the existence of God.
A person who believes in supernatural powers.

2. One of the answers below is a religious experience which is it?

Being brought up in a religious family 
Having a religious vision
Working for a religious charity
Sending Christmas cards to your friends

3. Something which Hindus perform at home on a daily basis?


4. William Paley comes up with a theory to help prove God's existence, what is it called?

The Argument from Destruction
The theory of evolution
The theory of creation
The argument from Design

5. Which of the following is a Natural evil?

The Devil

6. Which of the following is a miracle which Jesus performed?

The feeding of the 2,000.
The feeding of the 15,000
The feeding of the 5,000
The feeding of the poor and hungry

7. What did Eve take from the Garden of Eden which God had told her not to?

An apple
The fruit from the tree of life
The fruit from the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil
The apple from the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil

8. What does the word Theist mean?

Somebody who believes in God
Somebody who doesn't believe in God.
Somebody who has different theories about God.
Somebody who isn't sure if god exists.

9. Who do Christian Aid primarily support?

People in the UK who are having problems 
The Christian community in Northern Ireland
Overseas countries, normally in Africa
Overseas countries especially North America

10. Which is the most famous conversion listed below for Christians?

Anthony Hopkins conversion as he left an Alcoholics Anonymous session in Hollywood
The conversion of Saul on the road to Damascus
The conversion of people having attended a Billy Graham seminar
Any conversion is as important as the other. 


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