Believing in God Quiz (2)


Believing in God

OK, well done but that was the easy bit! There are now 2 levels to get through to prove you are the best!

Once you get 8 or more questions right you can then proceed on to the next level. Try and choose the right answer and lets see how you score....

1. Who was the person who came up with the Theory of Evolution?

Charles Dobson.
William Paley.
St Thomas Aquinas.
Charles Darwin.
Albert Einstein.

2. A ceremony at which your Godparents promise to help bring you up as a Christian?

Holy communion
The Mass

3. What does CAFOD stand for?

Christians against fighting or defense
Catholic fund for overseas development
Christians fund for overseas development
Catholics against famine overseas department

4. With what did William Paley explain his theory?

A clock
An hour glass
A watch
A flower

5. Which of the following was said to be a punishment from God when Adam & Eve were sent out of the Garden of Eden?

Not allowed to pray to God 
They could never die

6. What does the following word mean, Omniscient?

All powerful
All loving
Ever present
All knowing

7. What was the name of the original person who came up with the Design Argument?

St. Anselm
St. Aquinas
St. Cuthbert
St. Theresa

8. If some one say goes into a Cathedral and has a feeling of 'awe & wonder' and believe they have somehow experienced the divine, this is known as what?

A miracle
The numinous.

9. Which is the best example of moral evil?


10. What does NDE stand for?

Near Death Explanation
No Evidence of Death 
Near Death Evidence 
Near Death Experience 


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This is still in the process of being finished so if you want to go to level 3 click here.