Exam questions Unit 4


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The information below sets out the examination questions from Edexcel covering the period from 2000 - 2002. Remember that in the exam each section has two sets of questions and YOU have to choose which set of questions you are going to answer - you can not mix and match! Below I have given both questions in a, b, c & d. You will hopefully get a feel from these as to the types of questions the examiners will ask you.



 3.  A.) The definition type question


What is a multi-faith society OR give an example of the growth of equal rights for women.


What does racism mean OR what is meant by a multi-ethnic society?


What does prejudice mean OR name two religions other than Christianity which are practised in the UK .

 3. B.) Outline a particular situation/response/problem


Describe how different religions work together in the UK or outline Christian attitudes to other religions.


Outline Christian teaching on racial harmony OR Outline Christian attitudes to the roles of men and women.


Outline the teachings of one religion OTHER than Christianity on the roles of men and women OR Outline the teachings of one religion OTHER than Christianity on racial harmony.

 3. C.) Normally need to explain


Explain different attitudes among Christians to the roles of men and women OR explain how the teaching of one religion OTHER than Christianity encourages its followers not to be racist.


Explain why followers from a religion OTHER than Christianity have different attitudes to the roles of men and women OR explain why the United Kingdom can be called a multi-faith society.


Explain how the presence of many different religions in society may cause problems for religious believers OR explain why there are different attitudes among Christians to other religions.

 3. D.) This is where you have to answer a statement looking at another point of view (religious) and
your own point of view. Always says after statement �Do you agree�


�It is wrong to try to convert people to your religion� OR �If Christians believed women were equal to men, a woman could become Pope.�


�You should only have to learn about your own religion.� OR �You cannot be religious and racist.�


�Nothing does more for racial harmony than religion� OR �Religion shows that women are less important than men.�