

Year 8 Projects

The Sun setting over the river Nile


Egyptian images by Caca

Egyptian clipart

Pharaohs and other rich people were sent to an embalmer to be mummified. The process took 70 days!

The embalmer put the body on an embalming couch with animal heads and feet each end, or on a wooden table with slats (bars of wood with spaces) which made it easier to bandage the body later.

The embalmer was allowed to make:-

   One cut - left side of the stomach, Carefully take out
                    intestines, stomach, liver, lungs and heart. Then wrap  
                    them in preserving bandages.

  One break - The nose bone, then drain the brain out after first 
                   chopping it up with a special iron hook. The bits and 
                   pieces were then thrown away.  

They then cleaned the body out with a weak acid, then placed it in a bath of natron crystals ( like bicarbonate of soda) for 40 days to absorb the moisture in the body.

Whilst this was going on they used the time to prepare all the treasures and possessions which were needed to be buried with the person.

After 40 days the body was stuffed with cloths soaked in preserving spices. They replaced the heart back inside the body as they thought this was needed for thinking. The outside of the body was bandaged with many layers of bandages, putting jewellery and magic spells written on papyrus between the layers. The head was then covered with a gold mask with the person's face carved on it.

The body was then placed in one or more mummiform coffins shaped like a body and painted or carved with the dead person's face. The internal organ's were put in jars which were called canopic jars and had the heads of different gods. The jars were placed in a canopic chest and were buried with the person. The coffins were then plced in a stone sarcophagus (a big stone box) in the tomb.

Click here to find out what your task is as the chief embalmer!

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