The Meaning of the Symbols


Christian symbols

Fish � Secret sign used in Rome during persecution of the 

          Greek words
          Iesous   Christos   theou   uios    soter
          Jesus     Christ      God�s    son     saviour
          First letter from each of the Greek words spells  
          ICHTHUS � Fish.
          A secret sign used by the early Christians.
          You do not have to have Jesus in the middle.

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Candle � symbolises the �light of Christ�, shining upon the world. Jesus said, �I am the light of the world.
              Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.� When two candles are
               placed on the altar they represent Jesus� divine and human natures.
Dove � symbolises the Holy Spirit, when Jesus was baptisied by John the Baptist in the River Jordan, the Holy  
           Spirit came down from above to Jesus �like a dove�.

Alpha & Omega � The first and last letters of the Greek alphabet � why do they remind Christians of God? I am 
                             the beginning and the end.  

The Lamb � Symbol of Jesus, purity, sacrifice � well known prayer �O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of  
                    the world, grant us thy peace.�

Crown � Symbol of royal authority, Christ often known as �the King of Kings�.

Anchor Cross � Symbolises Christian�s hope in Christ � he is their anchor. Tradition has it that St.Clement of Rome
                         was tied to an anchor and tossed into the sea by the emperor Trajan. 

Bread & Wine � Symbolising Jesus� body & blood 
                         which Christians partake of at Holy 
                         Communion � the last supper. 

The Cross � Jesus died on the cross, to take away the   
                   sins of mankind and then rose from the 
                   dead (resurrected) up into Heaven.

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