Candle �
symbolises the �light of Christ�, shining upon the world. Jesus said,
am the light of the world.
Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness,
but will have the light of life.� When two candles are
placed on the altar they represent Jesus� divine and human
Dove � symbolises the Holy Spirit, when Jesus was baptisied by John the
Baptist in the River Jordan, the Holy
Spirit came
down from above to Jesus �like a
Alpha & Omega � The first and last letters of the Greek alphabet �
why do they remind Christians of
God? I am
the beginning and the end.
The Lamb �
Symbol of Jesus, purity, sacrifice � well known prayer �O Lamb
of God, that takest away the sins of
the world, grant us thy peace.�
Crown � Symbol of royal authority, Christ often known as �the King of
Anchor Cross � Symbolises Christian�s hope in Christ � he is their
anchor. Tradition has it that
St.Clement of Rome
was tied to an anchor and tossed
into the sea by the emperor Trajan.