Euthanasia is a way of bringing about a peaceful death of a terminally ill person. It is not legal in the UK but is in Holland (see the Dutch nurse’s caption in the cartoon). It is also legal in Switzerland where people can go to an organisation called Dignitas in order to have assisted euthanasia.
For more information on Euthanasia go to the links below.
People have a right to decide when they want to die.
Gives people the ability to die with dignity.
Relatives spared the agony of watching their loved ones suffer a slow and painful death.
Jesus said – ‘Do unto others as you would have them do to you’. If you were suffering you may want your life to end.
Wrong to keep people alive beyond their natural life span (e.g. life support machine).
People might commit euthanasia against a person’s wishes.
People might recover from an illness against all odds. Doctor’s diagnosis might be wrong.
Christians believe in the Sanctity of Life.
Against Commandment ‘Do not kill’.
Jesus suffered on the cross – he didn’t cut short his suffering therefore not down to us to end our life.
Doctors are against euthanasia it is their job to try and save & protect life.
Some people think accepting suffering may have a spiritual value for your soul.
Jesus cared for the sick, he never talks about any type of euthanasia
Christians have Hospices – hospitals where the terminally ill are cared for, without losing their dignity.